One Last Pair

“One last pair of shoes.”

Nike SB Dunks Concepts
Nike SB Dunks Concepts

The last thing I need is another pair of shoes. I don’t. It’s absurd. However, this pair of shoes is going to symbolize something meaningful. These shoes are going will be the beginning of a new chapter. I’ll actually probably never wear them because of how much they will mean to me.

I’ve often avoided situations where I thought I would fail. An easy wait to protect yourself from the pain that comes with it. I never really felt mediocre until recently. Wondering where this was coming from, I took a hard look at certain things and realized.

You never know if you’re making the right decision. It could be a decision you regret. You never know if it’s the right time. Timing isn’t always key. We all have fears that we have to conquer and it just becomes harder as you get older.

These were the last shoes I decided on purchasing for awhile
These were the last shoes I decided on purchasing for a while

Am I making the best decision? Am I going to be happy? Is it going to be hard? Is it the right time? Who the hell knows because I sure don’t. All I really know is that I’ll have regrets. Regrets eat you alive more than any other feeling.

Don’t Have Regrets.

Life Lesson: I Have Too Many Shoes

All these shoes in the world and they need a happy home. I can provide that.
All these shoes in the world and they need a happy home. I can offer that.

Disclaimer: One can never own too many shoes. It isn’t possible. It’s an oxymoron. If someone tells you that you own too many shoes, say “Goodbye.” You don’t need that negativity in your life.

I bitch. I worry. I over think. I’m not organized in the traditional sense of the word. I could go on and on. One thing I’ve learned as of lately and I literally mean as of lately, is that the only thing I really have control over is where I am going and how I’m going to get there.

It’s really easy to get into a creative rut and it’s easy to stay there whether you want to or not. You think that you are trying everything to get out of it but your approach is really wrong. I learned that I can’t look at the past failures and correct those. I have to look at past failures and realize what went wrong, accept that, move on to the next chapter. Getting stuck in those failures does nothing but deter you from the greatness that you are suppose to do in life. I know I sound like a Oprah Winfrey episode but I’m serious.

Everyone has a chapter in their life where things didn’t go as smoothly as they wanted them to. It wouldn’t be life without these bumps.

Honestly, this post had nothing to do with shoes except that I own too many shoes and that is a life lesson. Don’t ya think?

There’s Something About…….

Ever meet someone who was just amazingly nice all around? Who could find a friend in everybody? It’s truly one of those beautiful rare phenomenons in the world.I wish I was like that sometimes.  As we become ultra consumed in our own lives and become more and more superficialized(I know this isn’t a legitimate word but I make up words all the time) we forget to take in the people around us and appreciate them for who they are.

I truly never thought I’d find myself in a place like this. A feeling like this. A thought like this. Becoming lost in oneself is one of the scariest things that you can realize has happened to you. Some of us are able to find ourselves with no problems while some of encounter bumps along the way. Does it make you a bad person? Of course not!

Each and everyone is unique and a lot of time I think that we forget that. It’s easy too. You have to take the time to remember what makes you and how special you are.

We’re all a work in a progress. Our goals and dreams in life are different. What’s so bad about that? There’s always a rainbow…..

What Do Rainbows Mean To You?
What Do Rainbows Mean To You?

d(._.)b Hudson Mohawke-Tell Me What You Want From Me


Being Pretty Isn’t Easy

It’s funny, of course when I started this blog I wanted to talk about street fashion and all fun things like that. Well, it’s really hard to have a street fashion blog when you work a bajillion hours a week.I decided that I would gear focus on just things that I truly know about and stay true to my personality. Fashion is one of them, music is another and life is another. There’s a point to this…..just trust me.

Believe In You
Believe In You

One of the hardest things that I think people in life go through is taking criticism. Whether it be from friends, family or a boss, it’s always hard to take what someone thinks about the best foot that we put out there and learn from that. I’m the first to admit, while I appreciate a bit of constructive criticism, depending on the delivery, I become a baby. I act like a 2-year-old child and IMPLODE! I always take it 10x worst then I should and assume that I’ve messed up in the worst way possible. “I can’t redeem myself!” “What have I done?!” “Did I make you mad?” “Do you hate me?!”  It’s really only natural and everybody has dealt with this at some stage in their life. You can lie all you want and say it’s not true but trust me it is. I’m getting to the point…..just trust me.

I have a lot of growing up to do in certain aspects(Oh Em Gee, I may look like I’m totally together but I sneeze and burp too!)  

I love this quote
I love this quote

Last week, I learned a lesson in humbling myself. Looking back at the experience, I feel good about it. I wish it had happened in other ways then this way but shit happens.

I am always willing to take on a task. A lot of the time, I succeed and do something good. I just go for it. I get gung-ho and just try my hardest. I try not to ask because even though it’s not a sign of weakness, I don’t want to be viewed as not knowing something when I should.

My thought process was in the right frame of mind. I was going about it the right way but I messed up. However I didn’t find this out til later which made the hurt sting 4x worse than it should have. I was given the situation in the opposite way which didn’t help

The situation was given to me as if I was the most untalented person on the face of the earth and should get  banished to the barren desert of Australia to live with the dingoes and aborigines(I said I have a lot of growing up to do)however, I just sulked.

Don't Let This Happen To You
Don’t Let This Happen To You

Going home, throwing myself on the bed and falling asleep in the most dramatic fashion cause that’s what I do. Woke up the next day and was still dramatic. Went and got myself a 5 scoop sundae with extra peanut butter and extra hot fudge. I asked for an extra peanut butter cup but clearly she didn’t hear me. I think I was dramatic some more and then the next day was out of my stupor of dramatics.

Ask for help when you need to
Ask for help when you need to

Somehow, I brought the subject up and got a conversation starting with my peers that were knowledgeable on the subject. It got a conversation started and I realized that it’s ok to ask sometimes. It’s ok to not know the answers. I’m in a stage in life where I’m not going to know the answers, I’ll never know the answers to everything. I learn and grow but I have to be receptive to that. When you are receptive to what those around you say, you put your best self out there.